What We Do

Serving Senior Adults​

God created us to have deep and meaningful relationships with our family and with our community. But recent research found that 22 percent of Americans 65 years and above are aging alone and do not have family support to help care for their basic needs. A majority of these senior adults are women. Many live in a variety of senior adult homes without hope. They need encouragement and love today and hope for eternity. God cares about these precious people, and so does Hearts for Eternity!

 With over 20 years of experience, Donna Squeglia brings fresh joy and energy with activities designed for senior adults. Donna’s outreach tools include music as therapy; simple art projects; basic stretching; playing popular games; and educational, historic, and religious presentations. If you’d like more information regarding how to help senior adults prepare for eternity, email us at info@hearts4eternity.org.